Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful..
December 14, 2008
I Love This....
You can see this little oranges selling at every corner of the road in Hanoi now. I love this oranges a lot. It taste very sweet and there is no seed in it. Very juicy too.
They sell it at very cheap price that you can't believe it. RM1 for 1KG ... ^^ AMY
wow, so cheap. I bet we can't buy at this price over here.
That is dirt cheap! Here in Malaysia, this kind of oranges are quite expensive!
adoi, it is really cheap la overthere. I love this small orange very2 much leh...jz bought last week nia but I forget how much liao.
Yes, over here some fruits are really cheap until I cannot believe.
Yummy...I like oranges very much. The price is so so cheap! I hope I can taste it as well.
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