December 22, 2008

Happy Winter Solistice ~ 冬至快乐.....!!!

This year we celebrate the Winter Solstice with my sister in law's Alice family in KL. We are having steamboat dinner together. My mother in law and my younger sister in law Aei Ween joined us too as they are in KL now. After having the steamboat, we have this rice dumplings as dessert.

In Chinese culture, this Winter Solistice celebration is the time for all of the family members getting together and eating the rice dumpling means we have grown another year older. I love the rice dumpling very much...

This is my bowl of rice they are all in my stomach already...hehe!!~
Pandan flavour rice dumplings ~
Ready made ~ Peanut fillings dumplings
The big white dumplings are Black Sesame filling dumplings and the small pink coloured dumplings are made by me...

The rice dumplings was first boiled in the hot water before it's added into the "gula melaka"(coconut sugar) syrup cooked with some ginger. It is nice when served hot. All my kids love it very much!



amycheah said...

aiyah, too late liao, still got left over eh boh, I want leh!

aussieahchee said...

wow, so colorful and yummy. Your family & you must really enjoy yourself in this festival season.