It’s just like the other day when I went shopping for grocery stuff with my 3 monkeys. I was at the sanitary pad department to check out the Kotex. I look all over for the one that suited me and my youngest daughter suddenly ask me, “Mommy,..what is this?” and… I very spontaneuosly reply her, “This is my diapers” Guess what? She laugh at me said, “Yee..mommy so old already still wears pamper (baby diapers)” omg,..so loud that all the people there can hear it. Then after back home she continue to ask “Mommy, why your pamper’s size so small?”, "How you wear it?” etc.. etc.. pening ~
Somemore I have 3 at home. They really keep me busy all the time with their stuff and keep me accompany all the time. Everyday, I'll to listen to their stories and complain. Attend to their need, apart from sending them here and there. I don’t how would it be like when they are all grown up and leaving me ~sob* Maybe that’s the time when I can go travel and doing all my stuff without worrying about them. Yesterday night before sleep I discuss with them what I’m going to cook today. All of them agree that I just cook them fried noodles. They love noodles more than rice. Easy right??
My 5 yr old niece so cute too, when she saw my mum change the pamper of her 1/2 yr old cousin, she said that, my mummy also wearing that thing...lolz
it is kind of embarassing...:P
but we need to face it and tell them the truth...
i believe there is some tutorial and article on line ot teach u the best way to explain to your kids...
I too have a similar incident once..my daughter once asked me "where daddy always says you are fat?why is your tummy so big??" I explained to her"Mummy is not fat,mummy is only growing up,and mummy need this fat in mummy tummy to grow up,go tell your daddy too what mummy says.."
Hahaha..but that was years ago..but now all the kids also grownup lioa,i sure missed those funny questions...once in a while..
yes yes same here jugak.. my little one at 3yr tat time. she laughed at me and say mommy still wear diaper ka... "next time when you adult like me no need diaper okey?"
she saw pubic hair she also will laugh and say u got poo poo on yr backside!
hahah that's funny. they sure are curious lot, and kids are like that always. i remember I asked my mom the same question when i was a kid, and i do remember her answer till now, it makes me laugh sometimes ! :)
admire u having 3 lovely kids, how od u do it with 3 kids and still keeping yourself so well?? i only have one and i already no energy liao, thinking of bringing up 3 by myself, i am so takut lah
Kinoko Land
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